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Volvo wheel loaders (L180G & L220G) on chrome melting plant equipped with Magna Super Solid Tyres

These Volvo wheel loaders have a tough job to do at this chrome mining and melting location in South Africa. As the only contact with the ground, the tyres of these machines are exposed to very high temperatures and melted chunks of chrome.

Although Magna Super Solid Tyres are suitable for extreme high temperatures, tyre chains are needed for additional protection against the heat.

Until now, the customer is very satisfied with the choice for Magna Super Solid Tyres (23.5-25 mounted on L180G and 26.5-25 on L220G). Based on the running hours and remaining tread depth, it is expected that the Super Solid tyres will last four times longer than the previous mounted air-filled radial L5 tyres!