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Federal government announces release of founds at the 2019 Agrishow opening ceremony

A budget supplementation of R$ 500 million for Moderfrota, plus R$ 1 billion in Banco do Brasil financing and R$1 billion for Safra Plan 2019/2020 rural insurance. The release of these founds was announced by President Jair Bolsonaro during the opening ceremony of the Agrishow 2019 - 26th International Fair of Agricultural Technology in Action, held from April 29 to May 03 in Ribeirão Preto-SP. "Brazilian agriculture is working well and we have to work, since our government does not want to disturb those who produce," said the president.


During the ceremony, the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, Tereza Cristina, also announced that, on June 12, the official announcement of the resources for the 2019/2020 Safra Plan will be made. "We are in discussions with the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, so that our budget contemplates the main demands of the sector and I believe that all the gentlemen will have a pleasant surprise", commented the minister. Other news released by the Minister was the opening of the Indian market for Brazilian chicken producers and a trip from the Minister of Agriculture to Asia.

Agrishow President Francisco Matturro highlighted the importance of the technological advances provided by the fair to Brazilian agribusiness by fostering innovation through the machines and equipment on display. "And now we are facing another important innovation movement, with the Integration System for Farming, Livestock and Forestry (ILPF), which has contributed to the recovery of degraded areas, stream springs areas, whose last survey proved a total of 15.5 million hectares in several parts of the country, "Matturro said. "The best thing is that this represents more income, improved quality of life, factors that reflect in the HDI (Human Development Index) of several regions," he concluded.

The president of Abimaq - Brazilian Machinery and Equipment Industry Association, João Marchesan, in turn, said that the sector lives today, with Big Data and cloud storage, a new revolution. "Despite this role, agribusiness still needs support in relation to: taxes facilitation, reordering of customs tariffs that allows isonomy to the main external competitors, reduction of the Brazilian Cost and credit flow with interest compatible with the productive activity," complemented. At the end of the speech, Agrishow paid a tribute to the researcher Silvio Crestana, from Embrapa.

Governor Joao Doria said that Agrishow 2019 should have a spectacular result and he took the opportunity to announce that from August 3 to 10, a delegation from the São Paulo government, together with the private sector, will carry out a trade mission in China .

Ricardo Salles, Environment Minister, General Augusto Heleno, Minister of the Institutional Security Office; Gustavo Junqueira, Secretary of Agriculture of the State of São Paulo, Gustavo Junqueira; Duarte Nogueira, mayor of Ribeirão Preto also participated in the Agrishow 2019 opening ceremony as well as agribusiness sector leaders, federal and state deputies, several mayors and representatives of the City Councils.

Agrishow is an initiative of the main agribusiness entities in the country: Abag - Brazilian Association of Agribusiness, Abimaq - Brazilian Association of Machinery and Equipment Industry, Anda - National Association for Fertilizer Diffusion, Faesp - State Agriculture and Livestock Federation of São Paulo and SRB - Sociedade Rural Brasileira. The event is organized by Informa Exhibitions, a member of Grupo Informa, the main promoter of trade fairs in Brazil and worldwide.

Agrishow's next edition will be held on April 27 to May 1, 2020.

Source: Informa Exhibitions