27 February 2015, 09:37
For the twelfth time now, Raiffeisen Uckermark , a company of the AGRAVIS Group, invited people to an Agrar-Dialog in Schwedt in Brandenburg. The presentation was very well attended with more than 300 guests, and is enjoying increasing popularity among speakers as well.
This year the speakers were Dr. Yelto Zimmer from the Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institut in Braunschweig, Prof. Dr. Andreas Gransee, Head of Applied Research and Agro Consultancy at K+S Kali GmbH in Kassel, along with Dr. Gernot Verch, Head of Dedelow Research Station, and Ralf-Georg Keunecke from Pflanzenbau-Beratung of AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG.
Raiffeisen Uckermark always welcomes selected customers to the Agrar-Dialog at the start of the season. "For us, this event is ideal for communicating better with farmers, for convincing them of our consultancy expertise and service," said Director Thomas Frank during the event.
Today the Agrar-Dialog is well known far beyond the borders of the business area of Raiffeisen Uckermark. What twelve years ago started as a small, informative meeting, is now an event with such great interest that the presentations are broadcast by video on a screen in the foyer of the Uckermärkischen Bühnen theatre in Schwedt.
"Future farming challenges in international competition" was the title of the presentation by Dr. Yelto Zimmer. In his presentation he looked in particular at the requirements facing modern agriculture in general, farming in particular and the associated commodity markets.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Gransee looked at the domestic agriculture and spoke about the "Requirements for nutrition of plant stocks under changing environmental conditions". Dr. Gernot Verch from the Dedelow Research Station looked deeper into the topic with information about "Crop cultivation in spring 2015 – Measures for stock management" and Ralf-Georg Keunecke from Crop cultivation consutlancy at AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG spoke on "Plant protection management in rapesee and grain".