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The CIFA Manifesto

Cifa Europe
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"CIFA" now stands for Curiosity, Ingenuity, Flexibility, Attention.


After ninety-five years in business, CIFA is changing. From "Compagnia Italiana Forme Acciaio" to a new identity described in the Manifesto.


95 years have passed since the company's foundation, and 4 letters form the acronym of its name: CIFA – Compagnia Italiana Forme Acciaio (Italian Steel Formwork Company). From 1928 to the present day, CIFA has gradually shifted the focus of its business from the construction of formworks for large infrastructure projects (such as tunnels and dams) to the production of concrete machinery, such as truck mixers and truck pumps, with all sectors of the company undergoing a huge transformation. The occasion of our ninety-fifth anniversary provides a chance to reveal this new identity, which seeks to reinterpret the past rather than erase it. Over the last year, with the help of advisors, we've searched for a new way to describe CIFA's identity, which cannot now be summarised in terms of a single product, since steel formworks are no longer central to our business. Rather, we looked for a new meaning based on general principles, less associated with a certain point in the company's history, and so more inclusive and long-lasting. The acronym "CIFA" therefore now stands for Curiosity, Ingenuity, Flexibility, Attention, and the meaning behind this is outlined in the Manifesto.

Davide Cipolla, CEO of CIFA<br>IMAGE SOURCE: CIFA SpA

Why a Manifesto?

We associate the term "manifesto" with the great artistic and poetic movements of the 20th century. It was used as a way to raise awareness and publicly declare a set of objectives, first in Italy and then in the rest of the world. As CIFA has its roots in twentieth century Italy, we decided for reasons of historical and geographical continuity, to make use of a "Manifesto" to explain the new meaning of our name. We also saw links to the poetic movement of the time, in terms of change and innovation, a before and an after, and with the artistic movements and the aesthetic revolution; and so for CIFA this provided an ideal way for redefining what it stands for.

C for Curiosity

It is the distinctive trait, the spark that ignites the entire company, the stimulus that urges us not to settle. Satisfaction is not the ultimate achievement: it is a condition that needs to be recreated constantly. This means that CIFA must continuously seek new ways of improving technologies, processes and skills. The aims is also to improve the organisation in terms of its functions and relations. If we focus on one goal at a time, we are able to bring about a change in the norms of the industry and in business management. By keeping an open mind, always with a strong interest in upcoming developments, we can bring into question even the greatest achievements and set new goals that will shape the future. In other words, curiosity is a value that enables us to continuously improve satisfaction and is our beating heart, invisible yet always present.

Old CIFA concrete pump truck<br>IMAGE SOURCE: CIFA SpA

I for Ingenuity

Farsightedness and a flair for inventing and designing: this is how we remain solid in everything we do. Ingenuity is a quality that allows us to put research findings into practice, even when they are only theoretical; it is applied intelligence, and it is what allows us to do our job. In fact, unless it is used for a purpose that directs and contains it, our natural curiosity may take us in unexpected and unlimited directions. And this purpose, this ideal boundary, is exactly what turns ideas and intuitions into real solutions: completing projects after having ingeniously developed a solid and reliable product or service. This practical quality must drive the company to be as reliable as – and even more reliable than – its material products and to gain the trust of all stakeholders. Suppliers, employees, customers and others too: we need everyone to get involved so that we can build a solid company.

F for flexibility

There is no such thing as practicality without a good deal of flexibility. Being able to adapt, in the same way that matter adapts to constant motion in a system, is an essential requirement for those seeking to promptly meet not only their own needs, but also those of the market and of society. Part of this ability involves having mediation skills: however, for CIFA, this does not mean that we avoid discussion. Quite the opposite: we encourage it as we believe that it is only by engaging in discussion and working closely together that real opportunities can emerge. In fact, adapting does not mean giving in, but knowing how to listen and finding common ground that pleases everyone in order to come to an agreement over different perspectives and expectations. While all companies need to have this quality, it is also true that only those who have always seen themselves as an ‘Italian anomaly’ are capable of turning it into an actual style. It is our hallmark, which has helped us emerge as a company that is able to come up with unprecedented solutions to meet a wide range of needs.


A for Attention

As well as proximity and the present, it is important to focus on durability and safety. CIFA knows very well that it is one of many nodes in a global network, that of the construction industry, extended in space and time. Not only the construction of products, but all actions have a lasting impact on the environment and on people, and we are responsible for the use of every resource throughout the supply chain all the way to the construction site where our work comes to fruition. The focus on durability and safety rests on the three pillars of CIFA’s vision for sustainability: a ‘Green & Circular’ approach, a commitment to improve the well-being of employees and help them grow, and an eco-systemic approach, in order not to limit our prospects. By being open-minded in this context, we are able to turn curiosity, ingenuity and flexibility into a commitment to build in a more sustainable way, for us and for the planet.

Source: CIFA SpA