20 March 2019, 10:58
Of particular note this year is the company’s response to growth in the tunnel boring machinery (TBM) market. TBMs require the most reliable components available; each element must be proven to deliver under arduous conditions.
The high cost and time-constraint challenges faced by engineers on TBM construction projects present very particular challenges. Once excavation has started, any breakdown can result in costly downtime and in-situ repairs can be difficult. What’s more, delays at the tunnelling stage can impact on the completion of the project and may result in financial penalties.
With this mind, the company’s Bredel range of heavy-duty peristaltic hose pumps is the ideal choice. Abrasion resistant hoses can double pump uptime and save energy.
Typical applications for the robust Bredel hose pumps include Earth Pressure Balance (EPB) and slurry-shield TBM fluid pumping; backfilling grout; and single and two-liquid grouting. In addition, Bredel pumps – specified for wet spray pumping to hydraulically or pneumatically apply liquid cement accelerator to the surface of the excavated tunnel.
WMFTG manufactures a range of pumps for the accurate metering of the vast range of chemicals used in the mining industry; precision in this area helps to cut chemical costs.
Product ranges on show at Bauma include the multi-award-winning Qdos family of peristaltic metering pumps – capable of delivering accurate, linear and repeatable flows across all process conditions from 0.1 to 2000 ml/min at up to 7bar.
At the other end of the scale, Bredel hose pumps – which offer with flow rates up to 108m3/h - are noted for their ability to deliver a high degree of flexibility for chemical metering in mining applications. Because the hose is the only part of the pump to come into contact with the chemical, mine engineers are able to significantly lower maintenance requirements and increase the pump’s reliability and life-span. Ultimately, this lowers the total cost of ownership. Typical metering applications include the handling of shear sensitive polymers, flocculants, reagents and abrasive lime slurries for pH control or corrosive chemicals.
Finally, WMFTG will use Bauma as a launch-pad to present its latest white paper entitled a Study of peristaltic hose pump technology in precious metal mining: Maximising profits, minimising costs.
The paper aims to inform the mining industry of the primary advantages linked to the use of peristaltic hose pumps for high density, abrasive paste transfer at precious metal mines. For competing pump types there is a high degree of difficulty in handling abrasive paste and chemicals, with up to 80% solids, over long distances and without frequent breakdowns. The paper successfully argues that WMFTG’s Bredel pumps offer more efficient operation and faster processing time than alternative technologies as well as greater safety.
Source: Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Group