26 February 2019, 09:01
At bauma 2019, the world’s largest construction fair, the Network NRMM (“Non Road Mobile Machinery“) invites all interested parties to get informed about the state of the art technology for a linked “human - machine - computer - world“ in the field of NRMM.
Technological innovations for improving safety, productivity and efficiency regarding the operation of non road mobile machinery will be presented.
For more than ten years now, initiated by the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the network’s members further the development of person and object recognition technologies for non road mobile machinery in nearly all fields of application, ranging from construction, agriculture and forestry to road traffic.
The network takes action in every field where possible collisions between people, machines and materials have to be prevented effectively.
Initially, vision-aiding tools in the form of camera-monitor-systems as well as warning assistants based on radar and ultrasound were the dominant applications which nowadays can be expanded upon with digital assistance systems and permanently improving image processing technologies to create sustainable and interconnected solutions up to Building Information Modeling (BIM) and artificial intelligence.
Alongside workplace safety issues, developments in the fields of data and industrial security are becoming more and more important.
In order to effectively support manufacturers, operators and employees in the aforementioned complex challenges, the network is broadly diversified. Manufacturers and suppliers are involved as well as experts of economy and research, authorities of industrial safety and market surveillance, trade associations and unions.
Workplace safety is teamwork, which the network fully commits to. Cooperation with “VISION ZERO“ complements the exhibition stand. The prevention strategy of “VISION ZERO“ aims at creating a working environment where nobody is injured, lethally injured or injured to the point of lasting damages.
Source: Netzwerk Baumaschinen | NRMM