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Palfinger Railway delivers to China Railway

China currently operates the world’s largest network for high-speed trains with over 16.000 track kilometres. For professional maintenance China Railway pets on Emergency Intervention Vehicles, which run self-propelled up to 160kph and therefore manage to arrive on site within the shortest possible time. The vehicles are being produced by local vehicle manufacturers in China, partly in co-operation with renowned European enterprises.

All vehicles are equipped with two PALFINGER Access Platforms, models PA 360 & PA 95 and a contact and carrying cable positioner. These 3 units enable efficient inspections and repairs of the Overhead Lines within the very short maintenance windows.

Last year, PALFINGER Railway delivered already kits for 28 vehicles. Deliveries for further 72 vehicles are expected by middle of 2016, whereas 50 kits have already been officially ordered. 

The order volume for PALFINGER Railway exceeds € 42 million.

Source: Palfinger