22 April 2019, 09:00
Actively taking responsibility in four areas of sustainability management.
Actively practising sustainability means taking responsibility for tomorrow. As a responsible employer, PALFINGER produces eco-efficient, sustainable products and is committed to doing business fairly.
“Thinking and acting in a sustainable manner is crucial to our economic success. That’s why we take social, ecological and economic responsibility – along the entire value chain.” Andreas Klauser, CEO
As an established family company, PALFINGER has understood the need to take responsibility for its actions since day one – economically, ecologically and socially. PALFINGER takes responsibility and has been actively promoting sustainability for 15 years. Social and ecological responsibility is considered to be a key factor for success in the future. PALFINGER also supports the UN Global Compact and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Sustainability management at PALFINGER comprises four fields:
Responsible employer
Employees are crucial to PALFINGER’s success, which is why their motivation, qualification and, above all, their health and safety take top priority. The aim of PALFINGER's corporate culture is to manage diversity and differences in a respectful manner. Actions are strongly influenced by our values: entrepreneurship – respect – learning.
Occupational health and safety as top priority
Promotion of further training programmes
Offer of an attractive job
Reinforcement of corporate culture and values
Open approach to diversity at PALFINGER and promotion of equal opportunities
Eco-efficient production
Energy efficiency and climate protection are important throughout the entire production process. PALFINGER is aware of its ecological responsibility and strives to consistently use resources in an economical and efficient manner.
Promotion of innovation in production
Energy efficiency as a key element of ongoing production optimisation measures
Consistent reduction of emissions in the interests of climate protection
Efficient use of raw materials and continual optimisation of scrap and reject processes
Avoidance of hazardous waste and release of hazardous substances
Sustainable products
In addition to maximising safety in product usage, minimising energy consumption, costs and emissions is essential. Research, development and innovations help to deliver a sustainable business model. PALFINGER is aware of its ecological responsibility and among others offers alternative drive systems (e.g. electric, hybrid).
Product safety is paramount
Wide range of safety features and concepts designed to prevent accidents
Investment in product innovations, as well as research and development
Development of a product life cycle that delivers high-quality, reliable, long-lasting and low-maintenance products
Fair business
Cost-effectiveness is reflected in our aim to generate profit and grow in a sustainable, profitable manner. The focus is on topics such as the Code of Conduct, preventing corruption, fair taxation and digitalisation. PALFINGER’s integrity is largely driven by its commitment to comply with legal and ethical standards.
Future-proof alignment of the business model
Ensuring compliance with legal and ethical standards
Ensuring integrity with PALFINGER’s Code of Conduct
Avoidance of misappropriation and corruption, for example by using the Integrity Line
Promotion of digitalisation and connectivity