31 January 2018, 08:44
We were involved in projects both at home and abroad, which gave us even more experience in the design and execution stages, achieving significant results in the field. These projects included: • Soil displacement piles (SP), 800 mm dia., 24 m deep, with the E6050 SP240 for the reconstruction of buildings after the earthquake in Central-Italy;
• Soil mixing improvement, 2000 mm dia., 25 m max depth with the E6050 LM in Bangladesh;
• Soil displacement piles 360 mm dia., 37 m deep, with the E9080 in France;
• Diaphragm-wall Kit developed for the E6050 LM SP-HG in Australia; • Raked DTH drilling piles, max 1500 mm dia., with the E9090 DTHR180 in Finland;
• Cased CFA, 800 mm dia., 15 m deep, with the E9080 DR and the innovative spoil handling system, in Italy;
• DTH drilling piles, with the E9100 DTH400 for the construction of the highest dam in the world, in Tajikistan.
Thanks to our achievements, we can look ahead to 2018 with optimism and confidence, ready to tackle new challenges and take on all the new projects this New Year has in store for us. As in the past, we are committed to coming up with the best solutions for the many construction needs of our Clients, making the best economic use of time and resources and guaranteeing the highest safety standards. Innovation is the key to our Customers’ satisfaction, providing them with suitable, cost-saving and effective solutions to their problems.
Source: Enteco s.r.l.