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ERA welcomes 5 new members‎

ERA is very pleased to announce that 5 new members have joined ERA. The first ones to be announced this week are BERA, joining as direct member, Ecosun and PowerXtender, both joining as associate members.


BERA, the Belgian Equipment Rental Association, - - is the newly created association representing the Belgian equipment rental industry, with already more than 40 members.

Ecosun Innovations - - is a French company in the renewable energies. In 2017 and 2018, Ecosun Innovations deployed solar solutions in a number of countries, ‎establishing themselves as a technological reference point when it comes to off-grid solutions.‎ ‎2019 has seen the introduction of the new products, with Ecosun Innovations now offering the ‎widest range available on the market.‎ In total, Ecosun Innovations have installed more than 100 systems across the globe, representing 1,000,000 m2 ‎of solar roofs.

‎PowerXtender - - is a Slovakian manufacturer, operating also in Poland, Hungary, Germany, Spain, Italy, Croatia and the Netherlands.‎ PowerXtender is a scientifically proven, environmentally friendly liquid additive that addresses the ‎most significant problems of lead acid batteries, sulfation and degradation of lead plates.‎

‎Stay tuned to learn more about the other 2 new ERA members!

If you are interested in becoming an ERA member, please contact the ERA team at

Source: The European Rental Association (ERA)