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Minneapolis' Lakehaus Luxury Apartments Face Limited Crane Reach

Minneapolis’ most exquisite new residences are the Lakehaus luxury apartments, located in one of the trendiest neighborhoods in the city. During construction, contractor Adolfson & Peterson Construction realized that it was necessary to use a handset system since the crane could not reach the entire footprint.


The Lakehaus project only used one tower crane that could not completely reach the entire footprint of the building. Additionally, there were sloping slabs and varying slab thickness - some thicknesses up to 26 inches - as well as column dropheads.

Adolfson & Peterson Construction found they needed a handset shoring solution due to the tower crane restraints. What sold Adolfson & Peterson Construction on Superdek was the 8x8-ft. grid spacing, the ease of use on dropheads, and then ultimately how fast the system strips.

Superdek is a handset shoring system that can easily cycle from floor to floor with the drophead feature. With Doka’s bolt-on castor wheels, Adolfson & Peterson can move equipment around the entire slab of the active deck.

Although challenging, Superdek was able to tackle the column dropheads and sloping slabs. In addition, Doka was able to work with the contractor to use the equipment they already owned on the thickened slab areas, so the shoring layout was not changed from level to level.

“The 8x8-ft. spacing allows us to run carts up and down and in between,” said Dale Schaeffer, Project Supervisor, Adolfson & Peterson Construction. “This aids in the system erection and disassembly. You have the ability to assemble Superdek without using ladders, lifts or any other devices. You assemble it from the ground up. It is brand new to us. After 31 years, this is pretty exciting.”

Source: Doka