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VT3936 perfect machine for spreading slurry in maize

More and more slurry is being applied to maize upto a standing height of 50cm. The Vredo Self-Propelled SlurryTrac with a 19m3 tank capacity, twin wheels and Bomech trailing shoeboom of 15m is here perfectly suitable for a 4 wheel vehicle with its very low weight,optimal weight distribution over both axles and great maneuverability.

As standard the Vredo is equipped with 1050 / 50R32 low pressure wide tires. In order to drive in maize inventory double tyres are mounted. Customers have the option of differing tyre widths. If the inner tyres need a track width of 1.50m wide then 460-520 mm wide tyres are used. If the outer tyres need to be set with a track width of 2.85m then 300 and 360 mm wide tyres should be used.

Wagner Farm & Logistik GmbH in the Bavarian Altmannstein has since spring 2015 Vredo VT3936 slurry self-propelled and for several weeks double tyres on the machine, allowing for complete slurry application to be carried out in the maize crop.